need your help
Carnivores in Malawi are in decline due to persecution, habitat loss and conflict. From our pioneering Conservation Research Centre in Malawi, Carnivore Research Malawi is working to study and conserve carnivores through applied research, conservation education and outreach, and conflict mitigation.
More people means more carnivore conflict
Over half of global population growth by 2050 is expected to occur in Africa, and we believe the conservation front line is in the villages and communities. Our conservation ethos is therefore centred around promoting coexistence between carnivores and people, to enhance and conserve populations outside of protected areas.
Malawi is densely populated, which creates a landscape with few natural resources. Many carnivores live outside protected areas and exist in urban and peri-urban landscapes across the country. Little is known about carnivores in Malawi, especially outside of protected areas. Our research focuses on filling knowledge gaps that exist in carnivore ecology to inform conflict mitigation measures and conserve populations.
Each year we receive hundreds of calls about carnivore conflicts most of which result in the death of many animals, particularly spotted hyaena, and human injuries and sometimes fatalities.
Help us help carnivores & people.
Read our 2024 Impact Report !